2024 Board of DirectorsPresident - Justin DaRoza - Became a volunteer in 2016, transports, helps with special adoption events. Sales Trainer for nationwide company. Justin adopted several kitties from Candy's Cats. Became a director in 2017, Vice President in 2020 and in 2024, was unanimously elected President of the Board of Directors. Vice President - Kasi L. Lancaster - Became a volunteer in 2020, Facilities Management in 2021. Became a director in 2021. Currently, our fundraising manager. Kasi adopted Ginny from Candy's Cats, along with Admiral Meowington, Fenway Ormond and Clancy Pants, fka Slats. Secretary - Danyel Marrero-Sullivan - Became a volunteer in 2015, focusing on fostering abandoned mommies and their kittens, then as an adoption counselor. In 2023, Danyel began helping with our grant writing process and then in 2024, became Secretary of the Board of Directors. Treasurer - Debbie Hoch - Became a volunteer in 2014, Treasurer since 2015 and has adopted several cats from Candy's Cats. Director - Brenda Weatherford - Became a volunteer in 2021, Adoption Coordinator and Cat Behaviorist in August 2022. Comes to us with a background as Rescue Coordinator for BARC, a Houston, Texas animal shelter. Executive Director - Candy Sullivan - Founded Candy's Cats in 2005, involved with rescuing since 2002. Retired in 2011 as a family law paralegal. Prior to 25 years as a paralegal, Candy spent 23 years in hospitality. Candy has fostered hundreds of cats, adopted too many to mention (currently has six) and always says that Candy's Cats is what it is because of the volunteers, past and present, who are the backbone and driving force behind the rescue.